Old school Easter eggs.


merchants are users who
are selling purse to other
users.you can easily
contact merchants with
this way:ress 4 key/purse
and servic/merchants.you can find your country
merchant and buy
purses.also merchants are
Sm or Hm.there is 2 kinds
of merchants:1.Main
merchants:who are buying purse from
merchants:who are
partner with main
merchants are Sm and main merchants are hm.


1.BONUSOLIZER: all bets
placed here go to
bonusolizatr game fund
and accumulating during
one hour.after this hour
finished wining with 90% frombonusolizator fund
recives only that user,who
took second place by bet
sum in bonusolizator for
passed hour.if only one
user takes part into game his stakes fully return to
him.bets can be made from
the purse only.for see the
result of that press 4 key/
purse and service/
statistics/bonusilzator fun or if you want see the
result of passed hour press
4/purse and servic/
statistics/bonusolizator last
hour. 2. *~ROULLETTE~* Roulette is another kind of
game which is for your
chance.when you get in to
it you see 4 parts
even,odd,dozen,and your
number.this game is like cousino's games which you
will win your purse or
morethan it